Sunday, July 19, 2009

Duracell Promotes Ham Radio


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via KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog by Dan KB6NU on 7/9/09

BETHEL, Conn., July 9, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — Duracell unveiled the latest broadcast commercials this month in its highly successful "Trusted Everywhere" advertising campaign. The 30-second and 15-second television spots depict the life-saving work of Air Life Denver, an emergency rescue transport service that uses a variety of vehicles including helicopters as well as high-tech personal devices to rescue families affected by severe weather. This year's campaign will also feature a 60-second radio spot that highlights the efforts of the WX4NHC, an amateur radio station located at the National Hurricane Center. WX4NHC is operated by a group of volunteer amateur radio operators who communicate critical severe weather information to first responders in remote storm locations across South Florida.

The new spots in the "Trusted Everywhere" campaign, now in its eighth successful year, are designed to reinforce the power of Duracell batteries by demonstrating the critical use of electronic devices in weather-related emergencies. The latest TV spot, which is entitled "Tornado," depicts a real event in which the rescue was performed by Air Life Denver. The spot opens with Air Life Denver members equipped with battery-powered, night-vision goggles for a rescue operation after a tornado hits in the thick of the night. As the Air Life Denver crew flies above the tornado aftermath, they successfully locate victims next to their destructed home. The dramatic images bring to life the real situations that these rescuers face, and the importance of the battery-operated devices used to help navigate through the night to find people in need and bring them to safety.

The radio spot entitled "Hurricane" highlights the efforts of an all-volunteer army of ham radio operators for WX4NHC, physically located at the National Hurricane Center campus in Miami. The spot narrates the important role that these unique volunteers play during severe weather conditions – enabling communications with emergency medical teams, police and fire departments when the power goes out. The narration underscores the importance of a reliable battery to power the portable ham radios, which are crucial to the organization's work.

"With these new spots, we are helping to showcase the important contributions made by Air Life Denver crews and the Miami ham radio operators," said Bob Jacobs, Duracell marketing director, North America. "These heroic teams are working to save the lives of others. When storms strike, the radio operators are donating their time to make sure communications stay intact, and the helicopter teams are on the front lines, facing intense pressures and dangerous conditions to rescue those in need. We're proud that our batteries can help power these life-saving efforts."

The "Tornado" TV spot featuring Air Life Denver debuts in July and will air on network and cable programs nationwide. To view the new "Tornado" spot, please visit The "Hurricane" radio spots will debut in August and will air on local AM/FM stations nationwide.


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