Thursday, March 17, 2005

Cars just get tired.....

Late yesterday afternoon as my wife shuttled children from the middle school to the elementary school, the car's get up and go... got up and went. Loosing gears as she pressed on (in traffic) she handled herself very well. Using, what at the time seemed the last of the clutch, she managed to get up the hill to the school parking lot. She very calmly called me and explained the situation. "great... what else could happen?", I thought. To her dismay and my surprise, I was able to get the car moving. Apparently, the clutch was not completely gone. I took big circles around the lot. Mary was disgusted. I don't think that she was sure that I was doing the right thing when I announced that I would drive the car to the repair shop. This is like a story heard on NPR's "CAR TALK". Turns out that the right axle is bad. Could have stopped at anytime. Clutch was ok...worn but ok. At the repair shop, I was ready for a number in the thousands. $200 later, the axle is fixed, the oil is changed and the distributor is sealed.
Lucky for now.... Whew....

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Some days you just need to talk to someone....

Children, jobs, life.... You run as hard and fast as you can. Things slip by the wayside. I know for us, we are tired by the end of the day. I start this blog for me. Just to document what we are up against and how we make decisions. At least for now, that is what this is about. It may change as we look at what we are doing from day to day. You are welcome to come along for the ride. Who knows what adventures we may uncover.
