Sunday, January 31, 2010

Modern Remodels - Do you have what it takes to do it yourself?


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via Curbly Recent Posts on 1/28/10

One of my favorite things to share online is a good old modern remodel. Sure, we all love to stare at the million dollar homes, but in reality, those are just eye candy for most of us. And eye candy or not, there are a lot of blogs out there of people documenting their modern remodel projects. Here are a few remodels I really like:

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Addition - Messana O'Rorke Architects

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Mid Century Modern Overhaul - 3602 Apollo

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

1950's Bland Ranch Goes Modern - u+b architecture

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Rebuild - Single Speed Design

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Split level goes Modern - Modern Home by Peter Cardew

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Remodel - Murdock Young Architects


created at: 2010/01/05


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Friday, January 29, 2010

$2000 homemade airplane


$2000 homemade airplane


When I was about 12 years old, and still living in Dallas, my dad bundled me into the car one day and drove me out to Love Field to meet my great uncle, Troy, who was, at the time, touring the United States, visiting every city named "Troy," in a light plane he built himself. I remember the way the plywood skin of the plane looked and smelled from the inside. I remember Troy showing us his "auto pilot," which was a set of three ropes he could loop over the control stick to maintain level flight while he ate a meal. Troy finished his tour and flew back to his home in Alaska, and five years later was killed in a pile-up on a fog-shrouded highway. Troy was something of a maker legend in my family--besides the plane, he built his lakeside geodesic dome-home and all the furniture in it, including a pool table. He built a fleet of canoes--one named for each of his daughters and grand-daughters--to sail on the same lake. He even built the lake itself, or at least the dam that formed it. That afternoon at the airport was the only time I ever met him.

And although I don't think I'd ever try to build a functional airplane myself, the experience left me with fair-sized soft spot for those who do. So I got a huge kick out of Chuck Gantzer's page describing the building and flying of his Pietenpol AirCamper NX770CG. The AirCamper was first designed by one Bernard Pietenpol, who in 1928, with no more than an eighth-grade formal education, set out to build a "common man's airplane" with hardware store and scavenged parts. Today his son and grandson are still selling plans. [via Boing Boing]

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MAKE Magazine / Fri, 29 Jan 2010 17:16:54 GMT

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Diana Eng featured in World Radio magazine


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via MAKE Magazine by Gareth Branwyn on 1/25/10


Congrats to our very own guest author, Diana Eng, for her profile in World Radio magazine.

As one of the stars of the second season of the wildly popular Bravo television reality series Project Runway, she's as comfortable designing high tech clothing and accessories as she is handling a Yaesu FT-857d and an end-fed half wave antenna slung into the trees on a trailfriendly radio excursion.

Now that's a sentence you don't see every day.

You can download the entire issue at the link below.

World Radio Online

Read Diana Eng's posts on Make: Online

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US census for 2010 gets official start on a dog sled in Alaska


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The US census kicks off in a remote Alaskan village, as census director Robert Groves goes about his business by dog sled.


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Friday, January 22, 2010

Short Wave Listening Alive and well


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via QRZ Forums by KA4EET on 1/22/10

I went to our small local hamfest over the week and had my Call letter badge on. While walking around, someone came up to me and asked me about good listening antennas for his Kenwood rig. I told him that it depended on space, money, and bands...but gave him some good ideas. He then asked me how my family is and my daughter's new my wife likes retirement. I said....did we talk before? he said no..."I don't have a ham ticket"..."I am a shortwave listener" and I monitor you on two meters very often. He then proceeded to tell me about all the other hams he listens to on other bands. I said..."with your interest in short wave listening, you should get a ham ticket". He said he is way to shy to talk over the air.
He seemed like a nice enough gentleman.:o


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Why I'm a ham


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via QRZ Forums by KL7AJ on 1/22/10

Amateurs built the Ark.
Professionals built the Titanic.

Sorta sez it all. :)



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Monday, January 18, 2010

8 Hams attacked by Hatians?


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via QRZ Forums by W2ILP on 1/18/10

I just received a report from a Mensan Ham, which was alleged to be reported by a Canadian Radio Club. It was reported that a group from the Dominican Republic, including eight hams, have been attacked by desperate Hatians, who they came to help.

Has anyone gotten any confirmation to this report?

Bob w2ilp (I Like People) People aren't ignorant. Religions are ignorant.


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Silverlight TV airs on Channel 9


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via The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site by Microsoft Weblogs on 1/18/10

The first episodes of Silverlight TV are now available on Channel 9 . Go behind the scenes at Microsoft with John Papa and learn what the Silverlight product team is dreaming up next. See exclusive interviews with the Silverlight product team, watch how...( read more )...(read more)


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Build a Wall-Mounted Kitchen Computer [DIY]


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via Lifehacker by Jason Fitzpatrick on 1/18/10

If you've been dreaming of having a computer in your kitchen but don't like the idea of hanging it from a cabinet or having it clutter up the counter, this guide can help you build a sleek in-wall computer.

Putting a computer in your kitchen and having it look natural and part of the design is a big challenge. Ryan's wife had been bugging him to put a computer in the kitchen so she could use it to access the internet, manage recipes, generate shopping lists and so on. She also had a pretty tall order when it came to the machine, she wanted it to be discrete, have a touch screen, be internet-enabled, with wires hidden and equipped with a barcode scanner for her to scan products and manage a kitchen database. Not dissuaded by such an ambitious list, Ryan set to work and built an in-wall computer that looks like it was designed and installed by a professional.

The build sports a touch screen, runs Windows XP with an interface cloned from the iPhone for easy finger-based navigation and use, and can do everything from displaying the weather to organizing the pantry. You can check out his build guide for detailed information including how he created the iPhone interface from scratch using the active desktop feature in Windows and coding a custom web page using icons he made and linking them to online services and software on the computer.


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Sunday, January 10, 2010

White House names radio amateur as new cybersecurity co-ordinator


White House names radio amateur as new cybersecurity co-ordinator

President Barack Obama has named radio ham Howard A. Schmidt, W7HAS, as the new White House Cybersecurity Coordinator

Southgate Amateur Radio Club RSS Feed / Sat, 09 Jan 2010 10:55:07 GMT

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Spectrum display at dusk - Like watching a sunset...


Spectrum display at dusk - Like watching a sunset...

Being out of the ham loop for so long, I'm really enjoying the adventure of experiencing technological advances in the hobby. In the old days I operated a lot on 15 meters. As the evening approached I'd realize that stateside signals were dropping off and Asian stations would begin appearing. Then as the sun set the whole band would fade into white noise. But I could only hear it happening. There was no visualization.
Today I monitored (20 meter WebSDR) while doing other things in the office. How cool it is to see a whole spectrum of frequencies and to be able to quickly jump from one QSO to another at the click of a mouse.
Then as dusk arrived I could see the whole band losing propagation. The screenie below was taken at about 4:30 PST. An Arizona station held out and connected with a few hams in Japan and it wasn't too long before nearly all the little blotches and smears had faded into the blue background. It was kind of like watching a sunset. I never saw a sunset in my dial.

QRZ Forums / Sun, 10 Jan 2010 01:07:12 GMT

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Trade your car in for.......?


Trade your car in for.......?

I have the best car money can buy. Until now.

I NEED this car!

Don't know about trunk space though. Might not be able to carry a SX-101A in it. But there is room for a few S-38s!

I need a Mercedes Maybach.

This has a nice vid of the model with the open back seat. I think I will settle for the all hardtop one.

This model has recliner back seats and a drop down Monitor to watch DVDs on.

Note the LCD Roof panels for light/dark.

This has a divider between the passengers and the driver. Maybe I can get WA6BEN to drive me to work.

Here is the slide out Champagne drawer. I only do Tea and 7 up

So this might be an acceptable sub for my Town Car.

Wonder if it gets 25 MPG like the Town Car?

QRZ Forums / Sun, 10 Jan 2010 01:55:56 GMT

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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Older Ham equipment

Hello, I don't know how much this stuff is worth but maybe I'll get a few grabs on here. I'm going to list these on ebay within the next day or so: FR-101 Base Unit Still has the plastic on the screen. Powers up, looks pretty solid. Lights up nice and bright. FL-101 Base Also have the transmitter side too. With Kenwood MC-50 microphone in 7/10 condition with some normal scratches from storage. Both above come with the original owners manual. Also have a Yeasu YO-100 Monitor Scope. It powers on. Again, nice and bright. Front of it's pretty much mint. I have an extra Kenwood MC-50 microphone that is NEW IN THE BOX! This mic is MINT. Comes complete with cord and owners guide. I also have an FT-207R (with speaker mic), FTC2003, and a Tempo S1 with leather holster. All three have antennas. No batteries. I'm still digging stuff out as we speak. Ill entertain any reasonable offers. Not really interested in any trades unless it's High high HIGH end Motorola. And no, not P110's, either. :D take care