Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Super learn-to-solder roundup


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via MAKE Magazine by Collin Cunningham on 7/21/09

I love to solder. I've found it to be a surprisingly relaxing and very rewarding process that opens up a world of practical and creative abilities. But before I knew the basic tips & tricks of the craft, soldering was something I only did out of pure necessity (and often with a good deal of frustration!). After attaining a quality iron, a coil stand, some tip cleaner, and a bit more patience, it all made a lot more sense.

If you're teaching someone to solder, or learning yourself, check out the following collection of videos, links, and tutorials. This info, plus having a functional goal (ie - repairing headphones, lighting an LED) to shoot for, can do wonders for newcomers.

Soldering Tutorial - Make Video Podcast

Maker to Maker - Soldering on Make: television

Soldering- where to start?

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