Thursday, October 08, 2009

Build a Killer Windows Home Server from Scratch [Home Server]


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via Lifehacker by Kevin Purdy on 10/8/09

Windows Home Server is a fairly easy way to start streaming net content and sharing files between home computers. Maximum PC details the building, installation, and management of a pretty serious Home Server setup, from the ground up.

Hardcore PC geeks will probably just want to skip to the parts list and consider a few upgrades or replacements. As Gina can tell you, though, there's more to building a computer from scratch than just hooking up the cables. Maximum PC goes step-by-step on the specific hardware they've picked out, and detail how it works with Windows Home Server to bring in streaming movies, share and back up files, and bring all other sorts of modern-age coolness to your home network.

Found another Home Server setup guide that's worth drooling over? Share it in the comments.


Things you can do from here:


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