Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Remove Vocals from Songs Using Audacity


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via The Chris Pirillo Show by (Chris Pirillo) on 11/11/09

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This is the next in our series of screencasts recorded by people in our community! You can always submit your own, you know. I'm still looking for more good screencasters! Daniel has created this short tutorial for us, to show us how to easily remove the vocals from any song using the free Audacity software.

Open up your song in Audacity. In that top box, click the small drop-down arrow, and choose "Split Stereo Track". Once it has split into two panes, go to the top of the Audacity window and click "Effect", and then "Invert".

Once it has finished, go back to that bottom pane, and click on the drop-down arrow there. Choose "Mono". Select the top track and repeat the procedure, choosing "Mono" there, as well.

Once you have done this, you'll notice that the vocals aren't nearly as prominent. It doesn't remove it completely, but it does lessen the strength of the voice so that you can easily sing over it, using the edited track for Karaoke purposes.


Things you can do from here:


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