Tuesday, December 01, 2009

TuneKit: The Web SDK to code up iTunes extras


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via Ajaxian » Front Page by Dion Almaer on 12/1/09

  2. albumHelper.play = function (){ var t = bookletController.buildPlaylist(appData.songs);
  3. t.play();
  4. if (window.iTunes.platform == "Windows" || window.iTunes.platform == "Mac" || window.iTunes.platform == "Emulator") {
  5. TKNavigationController.sharedNavigation.pushController(visualizerController);

What's that? The code from above is something you would see in an iTunes Extras experience.

When Ben showed me a (admittedly poor) Star Trek iTunes Extras we talked about how it felt like a DVD and wondered what tech produced it.

Now we know that it is our friends: JavaScript and CSS (and some XML fr-enemies... XML Schema? Nooooooooo) as you can see in the TuneKit programming guide.

Great to see the Web diversifying once again. The Web keeps going as it hopefully lives up to the dream of a unifying platform.


Things you can do from here:


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