Sunday, January 31, 2010

Modern Remodels - Do you have what it takes to do it yourself?


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via Curbly Recent Posts on 1/28/10

One of my favorite things to share online is a good old modern remodel. Sure, we all love to stare at the million dollar homes, but in reality, those are just eye candy for most of us. And eye candy or not, there are a lot of blogs out there of people documenting their modern remodel projects. Here are a few remodels I really like:

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Addition - Messana O'Rorke Architects

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Mid Century Modern Overhaul - 3602 Apollo

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

1950's Bland Ranch Goes Modern - u+b architecture

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Rebuild - Single Speed Design

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Split level goes Modern - Modern Home by Peter Cardew

mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson


mid century modern design eames herman miller nelson

Modern Remodel - Murdock Young Architects


created at: 2010/01/05


Things you can do from here:


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