Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time traveler caught in 1940 photo?


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via Boing Boing by Mark Frauenfelder on 4/16/10


The above photo was taken in 1940. Some people say the hipster-looking fellow with the sunglasses on the right side of the photo is a time traveler because his hair, shades, clothing, and camera didn't exist at the time. But Forgetomori does a fine job of busting this rumor, complete with photos. Curses!

The outfit could also be found 70 years ago. Being used as we are to our contemporary fashion, we look at the man and assume he's wearing a stamped T-shirt, something that would be indeed out of place (or time). But if you look carefully, you can see that he's actually wearing (or could as well be wearing) a sweatshirt. And sweatshirts with bordered emblems were not uncommon in the 1940s – in fact you can find those in other photos from the same exhibit.
Time traveler caught in 1940 photo?


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