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Ever wish you could build a radar system like the ones used on space missions and spy satellites? Want to do it for less than $250? Well then, Greg Charvat has the solution for you, with The $240 High Resolution X-Band Linear Rail SAR Imaging System. By using his intellect and skillfully mining ham radio swap meets, he was able to build a working synthetic aperture radar (SAR) capable of capturing high resolution scans of tiny things. For instance, the above message was actually written in push pins, hidden behind a foam plate.
Ok, the directions are a bit sparse, and you will need some extra components that aren't included in that price (such as a PC capable of driving the system), but it's still a pretty impressive feat. Here are some of the features of the system:
- High-resolution X-band rail SAR developed for $240
- Built in my garage and basement
- Built from surplus microwave components
- Point-to-point wiring and other construction techniques
- Utilizes a Geni garage door opener screw-drive for a linear rail
- Surplus cordless drill planetary gear set transmission coupling
- How to design a vacuum tube amplifier
- Designing a radio with a single type of transistor
- Lindy bomb in style with restored radio
- Bringing a '20s radio back to life
- Frankenstein, an all-tube home theater system
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