Sunday, January 10, 2010

Trade your car in for.......?


Trade your car in for.......?

I have the best car money can buy. Until now.

I NEED this car!

Don't know about trunk space though. Might not be able to carry a SX-101A in it. But there is room for a few S-38s!

I need a Mercedes Maybach.

This has a nice vid of the model with the open back seat. I think I will settle for the all hardtop one.

This model has recliner back seats and a drop down Monitor to watch DVDs on.

Note the LCD Roof panels for light/dark.

This has a divider between the passengers and the driver. Maybe I can get WA6BEN to drive me to work.

Here is the slide out Champagne drawer. I only do Tea and 7 up

So this might be an acceptable sub for my Town Car.

Wonder if it gets 25 MPG like the Town Car?

QRZ Forums / Sun, 10 Jan 2010 01:55:56 GMT

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