Saturday, October 02, 2010

Pipoquinha - Bass Young Wonder!!!


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via Strat-O-Blogster Guitar Gear Blog Site by (Stratoblogster) on 10/2/10

Brazil's Killer Kid Bass Player Prodigy!

Pausing from our regularly scheduled guitar programming to bring you Michael David Pipoquinha of Brazil.

If I could read Brazilian-Portuguese...
I'd give ya more info, BUT what more do you really need to know that you aren't seeing and hearing in the clip above? Obviously we're looking at a very young man who is one badass musician! Lot's of Youtube stuff on Mr. Pipoquinha, and I'm sure many of our bass player pals are already hip. But don't assume anything, and be sure to treat them to this phenomenon.



Things you can do from here:


1 comment:

Stratoblogster said...

Thanks for stoppin' by! I appreciate the link back!
